
A Message From Habit

The following is copied from http://mei2000.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_31.html.

Smart Start Morning Ritual Challenge - A Message From Habit

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.

Half of the things you do you might as well turn over to me and
I will do them - quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed - you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people,
and alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though
I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin -
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and
I will place the world at your feet.

Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?

I am Habit.


Two little British Gentlemen

Revelie told me about a five-year old British-Indian boy named "Adam" this morning. He goes to kindergarden only in the afternoon. So in the morning, he needs playmate. When he got the playroom in our clubhouse, and when no one else is there, he asked his helper to call Revelie and bring Nathan there. He said that he can take care of Nathan in the playroom. Wow, looks like mommy got a volunteer babysitter. Revilie told me that all little girls like to play with Adam, because he is a "Gentleman".

The other one who lives in Vista Paradiso is named "Louis", who is 2 year + old. His father is 50 year old british, and his mother is a Chinese. I often met Louis and his helper on the shuttle bus. He goes to Tutor Time Nursery school, the expensive one I visited last month. He is always neat with little smile. When helper asks him to give toy to Nathan, or to give way to others in the playroom, he does so. I never see him shout, cry, or laugh loud. Louis is a real gentleman too.

Without the British blood, Nathan will never become British Gentleman. Mommy has seen Nathan shout, laugh loud and cry in the playroom. Could Nathan learn politeness and generosity from Adam and Louis, instead of rudeness and stinginess from some other kids, please?

Toy Library and Shanghai Garden

Hong Kong has a Toy Library and Mommy called one week ahead and made a reservation for Sunday 5 pm - 5:45 pm. Both parents and kid can go inside the big playroom and check out 2 toys (one at a time). They limit number of kids to about 15. We arrived there early and sat down in the Delifrance cafe to have latte and some snack. Nathan was sleeping in the stroller at that time.

The playroom is very clean, shoes off. Two tree men plus a two-floor wood house decorate the room, Some funny mirrors, a heavily packed floor area for babies. Nathan had lots of fun. He couldn't distinguish the fake food (bread, cookies, corn, etc) from the real one. He fed mommy and daddy lots of food. When I say, "baby eat", he tried to put them into his own mouth.

Time passed very fast. We met Auntie Pan and went to Central to have dinner. Dadday brought us to Shanghai Garden, a very nice restaurant. Every time his department has visitors, they come here. The food and drink is great. Nathan started to love mommy's cold melon juice and drank quite some. Later he pooed at 10 pm and 8 am the next day. Maybe the drink, maybe the food (more oil than his usual food).

Toy library is a very nice place to visit. But it's too far from where we live and Nathan started to shout on the bus when he gets bored or sleepy. Still, it's a good place to meet with friends. Afterwards, we can enjoy a great lunch or dinner in Central or Causeway Bay.


Thanks to Wesley's Mother

Revelie is the name of our helper. She has a friend, who is hired by an employer who live in the same building as we do. The friend is taking care of a toddler too and his name is Wesley. Wesley is 2 year and 3 months old. Wesley and Nathan play together quite often in playroom, Ma On Shan park. I only saw him once and never met his mother.

One day last week Revelie brought home a bag of second hand clothes, maily sweaters and long sleeve T-Shirt. About ten pieces. They were wore by Wesley. It's great that I can save money to buy Nathan books.

I'd like to express my thanks to Wesley's mother but haven't got chance to buy him a gift. Hopefully I can buy the gift soon and call his mother to visit.



去年搬来香港不久后,我们一家去了一个大型儿童用品展,有玩具,护理,gym, 保险,各类书籍。特别有很大的两个展区都是跟教小朋友英文有关的。其中一个叫作“My Kids”,是连续2年本展览会指定或推荐商家。爸爸妈妈想应该信誉很好啊,就坐下来听一位Sales小姐介绍“他们”的产品,共四大套。价钱非常昂贵,可以分期付款。讨价还价之后拿到一丁点折扣,小宝的教育要舍得投入,前途无价,爸爸爽快地刷了卡。

几天之后几大箱的书和配套玩具被送到了家里,这时妈妈才去网上Google。这一看不得了,原来根本没有一套是他们自己开发的。他们只是从别人那里买来组合在一起,自己只设计了一套卡片和只有一页纸的学习指南。其中每一套都可以在网上买到,而价钱只有都不到我们花的1/4。 长话短说,我们要求退货,他们不同意。

爸爸跟他们几番交涉不成功,只好去小法庭(5万以下的纠纷)告他们,今天是出庭日。My Kids 没有人去,法官说收到一封信,他们居然敢说没有卖给过我们任何产品。 天哪,真是难以置信!法官看到爸爸出示的收据,自然是判爸爸胜诉。不知他们下一步走什么棋,不管怎样,妈妈支持爸爸跟他们斗到底。




头两天的daytime naps 都很短,小宝星期天上午补了一个半小时的觉。吃过午饭,PooPoo 完毕,妈妈趁机给小宝洗个澡。天气变热了,主要是湿度大了,似乎不太爱出汗的小宝(遗传妈妈的优点)身上也有点儿粘乎。估计平时的午觉要推迟了,所以我们一点半就出门了。今天的节目是逛逛九龙塘。九龙塘地处九龙的中心,也就是香港的中心,以好学区闻名。当然房价高的也闻名。 九龙塘什么样子呢?以前经常在MTR站转车,去过站上的Shopping Mall 又一城和参观一家昂贵的幼稚园。

我们没有特别的规划,只带了地图和指南针。又一城有Passat 车展,随便坐,随便摸。小宝by default 由妈妈看管,爸爸到处走。有一下我问小宝,爸爸在哪里呀?我们去找爸爸。巧的事,爸爸刚才坐过的车里,坐着一个叔叔,穿着跟爸爸象极了:白T-Shirt, 牛仔裤,近视眼镜。小宝以为是爸爸,目光和小腿一直跟着。我只好指给他看远处真正的爸爸。人太多,小宝好不容易认清了爸爸,迈着小腿过去了。




然后就到了旺角的新世纪广场,爸爸去大众书局买开车用的地图。现在没车,不过想租车过把瘾。妈妈只有跟在小宝后面一路收拾残局,没空看任何东西。买完地图,我们去Food Court 补充能量,顺便要杯热水给小宝泡奶(忘带热水壶了)。下午茶时间东西好便宜,又好吃。小宝吃完睡觉了。爸爸看地图,也看着小宝。妈妈又回到大众书局去,都是为小宝服务了。收获是:
(1)1套4张“唱唱学学国语儿歌”CD, HKD 135. 一半的tracks 是唱歌,另一半是读歌词,好棒哦,弥补家里只有英文儿歌的不足。
(2)Mozart Effect Nighty Night, 给小宝晚上睡觉用的,家里没有Lullabies. 很好听,希望在小宝睡觉时也能帮他变聪明。CD封面上写了些什么东东,没法信,relaxation effect is enough.






进了电梯,妈妈把小宝放下,小宝按2 层,然后按“关门”。当然他还会继续按所有他能够着的键,比如1,B1,B2,19。所以经常我们会停在19 或20 层,门开了,小宝又有了机会按关门。到了2层的大堂,小宝通常又是胳膊一举,妈妈抱。如果妈妈把钥匙串交给小宝,他则会很欢的去(试图)开信箱。当然是不管是不是咱家的,见到钥匙孔,随便抓一把钥匙在孔边做开锁状。


然后我们去不同的房间转一转,阅读室,游戏室,活动室,或者看别人打壁球,学习,摸一摸饮料售货机。有时还看到交谊舞班上课。 总之在会所下遛弯啦! 走之前,小宝还要再光顾饮水机一次 :-)不好意思,又浪费两个小纸杯。


回到楼门前,小宝知道要扫卡门才会开呢,急不可待的拿卡去读。可惜经常好心的楼卫看我抱着baby, 回帮我们开门并扶着,小宝都没机会看读卡成功的绿灯闪闪和嘀嘀声。进了大堂,只要我说“小宝去按电梯啰”,我就解放了,小宝嘟嘟嘟奔向电梯。可惜够不着,还得靠妈妈抱着才能按键。当然回家的路也不是一帆风顺,我们通常要在19或20 层停一下。出了电梯,小宝很欢,因为又可以玩敲门或按门铃的游戏了。




最近小宝的火星语中常出现2个很象“妈妈”和“爸爸”的单词。今天早上我觉得发音很明显,就算小宝从今天起会叫妈妈吧。等的好辛苦阿!一看日子,今天3月13日可是“黑色星期五”呀。 2009年共有3个黑色星期五呢:2/13,3/13 and 11/13. 倒是也与投资者现在的心情般配。


吃喝拉撒睡 update on Eat Drink Pee Poo Sleep

Nathan's weight (naked with a diaper) was 11.65 kg when he was 13.5 month old, which is 90 something percent by HK statistics. He definitely inherited the "good" habit of eating anything.
breakfast: one egg (steam or pan-fry) + mixed cereal (power) or bread;
morning snack: toddler biscuits + fruits
lunch: rice or noodle + meat + vegi
afternoon snack: half apple or other fruit
dinner: rice or noodle + meat + vegi

(1) milk 3 times a day, 180 cc each, 7~8am, 3:30~4pm, 9pm. We will try to cut the morning and afternoon milk to 120 cc.
(2) commercial toddler juice or homemade: 150 cc?

Pee: With the water and milk he drank before going to bed, his diaper get so full in the morning; sometimes he complains after he wakes up and pees, because the pants are wet.

Poo: every day or every other day. Recently we are mixing the Wyeth and Abbott formulas.

Sleep: Recently one long nap after lunch, 2.5 ~ 3 hours; Fall into sleep around 10:15 pm, wakes up 7~8 am. Sometimes drinks milk at 6:30 am, play in bed half an hour or more and then sleep again till 8~8:30 am.


Training Husband

I read a very interesting and helpful article today. I put down the link here so that I can revisit it when needed.



这个星期是学校的Student Reading Week,所以爸爸周一到周四都在家上班。家里的菲佣应该觉得轻松一些吧。因为她可以趁小宝午睡的时候去买菜,做饭的时候把小宝交给爸爸,爸爸在家嘛。



How old is Nathan?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Daniel?

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers