她又说,这个BB很漂亮。我问这也能看出来?她说,五官端正。我想,OKAY, 男孩子嘛,五官端正,个子不要太矮,当妈的也没太多要求。皮肤基因似乎从不变异,爸爸妈妈都黑,也不指望会出来一个白白的胖小子。象Nathan现在的皮肤,被人称作“健康肤色”就足矣。
周六 <<云水谣>>
如果你有兴趣,可以访问http://ent.sina.com.cn/f/yunshuiyao/index.shtml 。
周日 银线湾海滩/沙田十八
银线湾在清水湾(Clear Water Bay)附近,从我们家开车略少于半小时能到。9点出门,先去接上另外一个Nathan 和他的爸爸妈妈. 为了不混淆读者的思维, 之后用他的中文名字: 雨轩. 雨轩比小宝小五天,体重轻很多,但是会说话. 每个孩子的发展进度真是不一样.
爸爸后来说停车时间要到了,我们更衣之后爬回高坡上的停车场。坐在那里等雨轩一家上来的时候,听到巡警告诉别人今天趴车不要钱。星期天属于"General Holidays"? 爸爸估计没有意识到,或者没有仔细读这个说明,冤枉多花了20几港币。下回就知道了,星期天免费而且没有时间限制。
我们开回家吃剩饭剩菜,小宝2点多才开始午睡,快5点被妈妈叫醒。6点多我们坐免费村巴去大学站。那里有家凯悦酒店Hyatt,酒店里有间餐馆叫做“沙田十八”。爸爸想去试一下,妈妈正好看报上介绍他们有手工面条。“沙田十八”服务不错,专门给小朋友提供一套餐具。小宝最后弄了一地面条,摔了一把普通的勺子。菜式爸爸觉得一般,芥兰太咸。我们还点了手工哨子面 和花生南乳猪手。小宝钟爱面条,妈妈喜欢猪手。不过以它的价位来说是差了些。
no need to sneak out
吃喝拉撒睡 更新
*** 吃 ***
*** 喝 ***
奶粉喝的越来越少,睡前的6oz减到只有4oz 。主要因为晚饭后妈妈吃点什么水果或零食,小宝一定也要吃。
*** 睡 ***
***玩 ***
自己会造些游戏玩,喜欢彩色泥巴Pizza Set组合,喜欢看别人拼图。太喜欢推车,快速地那种。最近喜欢咬保姆或妈妈,一定要改掉。
*** 说 ***
还处在babbling阶段,爱说,可是没人懂。大家都只好附和Yes或 Ok。
大连行 - 小宝篇
We went to that Walmart a lot, where grandma bought food, we shopped for clothing and shoes for Nathan, and Nathan could play the toys, and household items there.
We also bring Nathan to the Park in the late afternoons. He played in the big inflatable playhouse there twice. Well, the first time I let the nanny in with Nathan and didn't find it quite dirty. The second day early morning, Nathan started to have high fever.
Nathan ate less in DaLian than in HK for a few reasons, I think: (1) no high chair; (2) not used to the food cooked by Grandmother; (3) sick for a few days.
The most memorable events about Nathan are:
(1) Half-hour big-cry in Shen Zhen airport while waiting for the delayed flight: Neither yogurt nor candy could distract him. He held mom's hand and wanted to go back somewhere. Unfortunately the escalator direction he tried to step on was always wrong. I had to drag him to the correct way and you can imagine what happened. He cried so loudly that so many people expressed concerns or paid attention to us. One lady asked me if I am not the boy's mom and he was looking for mom :-(
(2) insist pushing his stroller in many places: the zoo, the park, the shopping mall, the hiking trail. He didn't care about the time, the things adults want to do. He just wanted to push the stroller forward, alone independently. He took a rest when he was tired. He got frustrated sometimes for some unknown reason.
(3) had high fever for 2 days and cried non-stop during the infusion (输液): Nathan started to have high fever around 5:30 am on the first Thursday morning. I brought him to Children's hospital at about 10:30 am. We waited for about 1.5 hour before seeing the doctor. The doctor suggested 灌肠和验血, which seems to be common practice in Mainland. I accepted it after the doctor's impatient explanation to me. Then we got some medicine and went home.
But high fever came back at 1pm, and 1am and 8pm the next day. I was little worried. So we went to the hospital again at 9pm on Friday. This time doctor suggested 输液, first we had Nathan do the allergy test. When the real 输液 started, me, my brother and the helper had to face Nathan's stuggle trying to move the tube with a needle into his forhead. As we hold his hands, he kept crying, moving his body and kicking his legs. What a mess and the room has no air-conditioning. Nathan was the most sweating one, of course. Poor baby. I will never bring him to 输液 unless it's the really necessary.
大连行 - 观光篇
(1) DaLian Forest Zoo: It was divided into 2 phases or 2 big areas: Captive District and Stocking District. Long tram connects the two phases. Finally we saw a children's playground in the zoo. Believe it or not, I tried to find playground in many places, park or shopping mall and was disappointed. Most parks provide exercise equipment for adults, but nothing for kids. Nathan plays the slide for many times.
Captive District: Animal (monkey, bear, etc) Show, Tiger Show.
Stocking District:
Thai Elephant Show is impressive, one elephant did massages to two volunteers from audience. It's funny that the elephant chose different body parts for the male and female volunteers, respectively.
Baby tigers and baby leopards are so cute. And you may touch them if you're brave enough.
I also liked the bird show.
(2) DaLian Ocean Park: It features Polar Animal House, Marine animal Shows and Bird Show.
Marine Animal Show: Walrus 海象, Seals 海狮 and Sea Otter 海獭.
Dolphin Show: It's the most crowded place I've ever been. We managed to find a place to put the stroller and Nathan was sleeping lying on it while we waited almost 45 minutes. My mom found one seat, helper and I stood beside the stroller protecting it from being pushed. Just before the show started, Nathan woke up. My mom asked me to sit down on her seat holding Nathan. Nathan was very exciting to see so many excited people surrounding us. He plaused, smiled. I also fed him snacks. It was the best time for all of us.
Bird Show: Parrots do skating, addition and subtraction, swing, and lots of more. It's the most interesting to watch them collect 10 dollar bills, only 10 dollar ones. They first fly near you if you hold your hand up with something, but if you're holding 1 dollar or 5 dollar bills, they simply fly away.