Then I had always been bringing Nathan to neighborhood hair salons to get hair cut. Mommy held him on her laps and most of the time Nathan was doing a good job. When it was towards the ending, he showed impatience and started to shake his head. Mommy used tissues to remove the hair on his face. After it's done, we went back home and give him a bath immediately.
Well, what the hair dressers did, was just to set the clip to one or two level and go over Nathan's head. Mommy had always thought it was so simple and "I can do it myself". However for two reasons Mommy didn't go and buy the hair razor: (1) such hair cut is not expensive, it's HK$40 (about US$5.3); (2) mommy had no confidence due to no experience.
After we move to the new home, there are a few hair salons in the nearest plaza, but all expensive. Also the 2nd baby will be a boy again, it's the time to buy the hair razor. Thanks to Mommy's colleague who told her where to get the deal. In the end, Mommy spent HK$150 in the Conair hair razor for kids with everything in the package.
Last Saturday afternoon, when Nathan was watching babyTV channel, mommy started the experience. Surprisingly it's not that difficult. Even though there is a few long hair stick out after washing, the whole image was pretty good. See the picutre below.