
Mommy Slide Together

Aug 10, 2012:  First day Daniel goes to BoxHill International Kindergarten (FoTan).  Mom stayed in the classroom with him.
Aug 13 week, one hour session each day  by himself;
Aug 20 week, two hour session each day by himself.
Starting Aug 27, he starts to stay three hours there each day.  

In the beginning, he cried when being taken to the classroom by the teacher.  Soon he could walk in without tears.  I'm very proud of him.

The teacher wrote on his handbook (used for parent-teacher communications), "Daniel is very quiet in class, but he seems to be happy and he does listen."   That is him, a cool boy.

He still doesn't say any Chinese words.   His English vocabulary is about 100 words or less.   Each time mommy says something he knows in Chinese, he translates it into English.   His first sentence that Mommy heard is "Mommy slide together" when he climbs up to the slide in the playground. 



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