
不可顶风作案 - 吃饭门



那科学园公司有一个不错的安排,在中午吃饭时间提供*免费*的班车去大埔和回科学园。有这样的班车,很多人都想坐也是意料之中。这就造成了想坐第一班12:05的车,11:45 就得离开公司去排队的局面,否则拿不到筹(位)。


Dear All,

We received an external complaint about some of our staff “always” taking long lunch break by going to Tai Po Centre. I suggest sending a notice to staff that our official lunch break is 1 hour. If they need to take longer lunch occasionally, they should let their supervisor know.

I have not seen any documented official hour and assume it is an hour. If you have information or suggestion otherwise, please let me know. Thanks.


Anita Ho

-----Original Message-----

From: icow@email.com [mailto:icow@email.com]

Subject: Re: Lunch hour

Hello Arthur,

Let me make it clear. I always see your staff (sometimes more than 10) to take the free shuttle bus from Science Park to Tai Po Centre. They need to be there before 11:50am to queue for the 12:05 bus. They usually take the 13:20 bus from Tai Po Centre back, which reaches Science Park at about 13:40 that takes about the whole lunch to be 2 hours long (counting from leaving office to returning to office). Even for the earliest bus from Tai Po Centre to Science Park they can take is the 12:50 one which reaches Science Park at about 13:10pm. You can count the time they use - about 1.5 hours.

I am disappointed that I still saw some of your staff taking about two hour lunch last week. If I still see them starting from Tuesday next week (I don't count the Monday), I will consider to told the media about the FACT.





Daniel 4-mon check up

When I looked at him, sometimes I wonder if Daniel is fatter than Nathan at 4-month old. The answer seems to be clear this afternoon at Mother Children Health Center.

Weight: 8.56kg, out of chart
Height: 64.5cm, around 75%
Head Circumsphere: 43.5cm, 90%

Daniel is such a good boy. Today he accepted 2 vaccine injections. The first needle went to his right leg, he only struggled a little bit silently. The second needle went to the left, this time he cried for 3 seconds. No fever so far.

How old is Nathan?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Daniel?

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers