
Daniel's 12-month check up

"I am a little teapot, short and stout" is the song coming up in mind when Mom thought about Daniel. It was confirmed by the numbers in Daniel's 1 year check up. He was sick around his birthday so the check-up was delayed by one week. To be exact, Daniel was 1 year and 8 days old on that day.

Weight: 10.3 kg (~22.69 lbs) (~85%)
Height: 73.5 cm (~28.94 in) (~30%)

Daniel can pick up food and small things using the thumb and the finger and both hands are okay. (Nathan didn't use the thumb well at 1yr old).

Daniel can't walk yet. (Nathan walked without holding on his first birthday).

Daniel can say some words (mostly in English) or make similar sounds: Baba, Mama, byebye, eat, more, milk. (Nathan was only saying di-da, da-da).

Daniel started to show unhappiness when saying goodbye to mommy in the morning.




首先是老大面试幼稚园的结果爆了个冷门,他今年9月份要转去“著名”的St. Catherine 幼稚园上K1。和他一起玩的小女孩们个个比他能说会道,聪明乖巧,可惜只被在waiting list上。当然妈妈给大宝报的是英粤班,女孩子们报的是英普班。据说英普班比较热门,入学竞争相对更激烈了。 妈妈希望她们中最后有人可以进去和老大做个伴。 妈妈的印度朋友听到这个消息,第一反应说: I'm sure it was the happy face that made it work. He is so cute when he does that. 面试那天下着小雨,妈妈一个人背着包陪着Nathan在外面排队。幸运的是Nathan似乎很喜欢那个外籍老师,面试时一直羞涩的微笑着,不过总共只说了5个英文单词:
What's your name? Nathan
How old are you? Two (同时伸出2个手指头比划)
What's the color of this card? Red
拿到贴纸后: Thank you
要走了: bye bye

接下来一件大事就是妈妈自己回江西老家参加高三一班的同学聚会。有好些同学是高考后就没有再见过面,难得的有4位老师也参加了聚会。班上女生不是很多,还有人放弃机会不来参加,所以组织者特邀了几位只同窗了一年的女生来加入。结果我和她们聊天聊的最多。男生的分化比较厉害,有的英俊潇洒依旧,有的还像个青年,有的则中年发福脱发。可怜的是有人得了癌症或做过手术,一定要加强锻炼注意养生啊。 同学们各个社会阶层,各个行业的都有。不过聚会上没有隔阂,大家叙旧喝酒抽烟跳舞,晚上住酒店的都舍不得睡觉继续聊天。

老二一岁了。 It's like an old wive's tale, most babies are ill on their birthday. Daniel不仅有点痰在吃支气管炎的药,生日那几天还赶上长大牙,成天哭哭啼啼的,赖在妈妈或保姆身上。 上个周末过后,妈妈明显觉得胳膊和腰略酸。二宝还不会放手走路,可以扶着家具和墙壁走。不象哥哥周岁那天准时走路了,之前就很自觉地扶着东西练习。 二宝可能身体欠佳,走路的兴致似乎差些。上面的大牙出来了,下面的大牙快点出来吧,别再折磨我的宝贝了。 看着可爱的儿子们,妈妈再辛苦都是快乐的。

How old is Nathan?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Daniel?

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers