




警察严肃的样子让我们惊觉到我们可能不只是“开错路”这么简单。 果然,警察说,你们闯禁区了,这条路只有出租车和黄色小巴可以进,再不掉头回来就XXX (广东话我不能都听懂,这词没听明白)。我回头看了一下上面写着“XX禁区”的小牌子。刚才确实没看见,即使看见了可能也不明白什么意思。我觉得他们应该提前多挂一个指示牌,不能仅仅依靠这个小牌子。不过错过立刻掉头的小环路是千不该万不该的。






真的非常非常想给小宝添个妹妹,不过做唐氏筛查的医生说好像是个弟弟,想要妹妹的话再生三宝吧。Well, that is not going to happen. Two is enough, Three is not affordable. 虽然还有一线希望医生可能看得不准确,妈妈也已经在做思想准备,将来家里要闹翻天。怨都怨爸爸家里的遗传基因,只会生男娃。



almost 1.5 years old

(1) read books UP SIDE UP


(2) FAKE CRY, fake smile


(3) JUMP on the sofa, turn around, tap right foot


(4) LOVE baby swimming pool

今年第二次带他去屋苑的baby 游泳池,喜欢在水中踏步走,坐在游泳圈里也很开心。爸爸还带着他溜了3趟最后冲入池中的滑梯。当然最后也是他主动要求回家的 (Enough for today).

(5) POINT body parts: Head, Finger, Toe, Tummy, BellyButton, Ear, Nose, Mouth, Eye, and Tongue. 每指完一处,自己拼命鼓掌。


mommy's Y-th birthday

Mommy's friends know what the Y is. Mommy couldn't believe that how she had lived so many years on the earth already and went so few places on the earth. Also Mommy felt a little bit ashamed because of lack of achievements.

However, to Nathan, July 1st was just like a regular holiday when the helper goes out to have fun and Mommy is home to be with him. After breakfast, mother and son went down to the VP garden to take a walk and watch birds for 1 hour. Before we wanted to take lift to go home, Summer appears in the lobby. Two toddlers were very excited to see each other. They blow bubbles, watch boats and chase in the club house for another hour before we all go back to our house to eat snacks.

To "celebrate" Mommy's birthday, Nathan slept from 12:45 pm to 3:45 pm, 1 hour longer than usual. Then at 4:30 pm, we met up with Tara on the shuttle bus to Ma On Shan. Tara was so nice that she offered to buy a cake and drinks for Mommy. Mommy insisted not to buy a whole cake. In the end, three of us got 3 slices cake from A-1 Bakery and found a good seat in the shadow at Ma On Shan Park. Nathan liked the cheese cake and blueberry so much. Also it was his first time to drink Lemon Tea and he was so into it.

It was almost 7 pm when we got home. Nathan had no appetite for dinner. Then Summer and her mother came to play and chat. Nathan ate little dumplings after 8pm and drank his milk at 9 pm.

The highlight of this birthday was definitely in the afternoon in the park. Mommy felt so good seeing Nathan eat cake and drink lemon tea so aggressively and seeing Nathan play more independently than before. Mommy felt so grateful that she had met a good new friend Tara.

How old is Nathan?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Daniel?

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers