
The first day in St. Catherine Kindergarten





playscope 游戏日






台湾旅行 (第一天)



飞机上又发了丰盛的餐点,二宝拿到BB 餐,大宝是儿童餐。无奈二宝这时犯困了,又不肯被安全带捆住, 开始哭闹直到起飞结束。下降时 妈妈没有准备奶瓶给他喝,估计安全带的束缚加上耳朵不舒服,又是一通哭闹。不过出了飞机二宝就没事了,只是要妈妈抱着,或自己走路。

机场换钱的汇率是最好的。然后直接打的去义大皇冠假日酒店。我的妈呀,经过一片像农村似的地方,看到巨大的建筑物,包括两个大酒店和一个巨大的购物中心:义大世界。 早知道酒店离高雄市中心这么远,我可能就不带着两个孩子跟来了。这次没做任何旅游计划,因为想着一切都要以小朋友为主。爸爸开会期间,妈妈只能带着他们在旅馆里打发时间。

到了酒店还不到12点,说是3点才能入住,先办了手续,最早1点多能给我们房间。 把大行李存在旅馆,我们就去旁边的义大世界看看加吃午饭。两个孩子看到游戏机先玩了一会,然后我们走了好远才进到有好多餐厅的楼里。二宝走路或由妈妈抱着,根本不坐推车,大宝懒得走路,所以推车就是他的了。只是大宝体重大,这趟旅游下来快把推车压坏了。

我们选了一间怀旧的台湾风味餐馆,要了一个“铁路套餐“ 和一个“雪鱼套餐“。挺有意思的,铁路套餐的饭是用一个铝饭盒盛着的。记得我妈妈在纺织厂上班时也用一个类似的饭盒。 大宝吃饭之余忙着做数学游戏书,大人得不停的帮他做题。二宝的兴趣都在餐厅外面的走道,他穿梭于各家餐厅的外面和大家用餐的桌子,妈妈在后面无奈的跟着,偶尔抱他回去吃几口饭。好不容易吃完了一顿饭,下一层是巨大的游戏厅,在那玩了一会,才拖着两个宝贝回旅馆入住。

有两个双人床,我们把一张推到靠墙,保证二宝睡觉不会掉下来。我们带了几张DVD 和一个便携式的DVD player,两宝看了会录像,妈妈收拾东西,爸爸查阅下一步去哪。我们决定去遥远的市中心。旅馆人员说马路对面有巴士到左营高铁站,我们可以从那坐捷运去凯旋站。 结果第一趟巴士来了才上了十个人左右就满了,总共等了半个小时吧,才坐上巴士。二宝在巴士上睡着了。坐捷运时大宝睡着了。去凯旋站后看到说有接驳巴士去“梦时代“,一个巨大的购物中心。到了之后借了一个手推车,把还没醒的大宝放上去,结果他就醒了。

我本来计划带孩子们去坐那个很高的看海的Hello Kitty摩天轮。 不过天色已晚,我们就直接去找吃晚饭的地方,又选了一个台南风味的怀旧餐厅。可惜爸爸点的两个套餐都带有我觉得难吃的蚵仔煎,大宝喜欢鲁肉饭,二宝下午饿得吃了零食,这会又不吃了。又开走,妈妈先跟着,换爸爸跟着不久,二宝就摔跤碰了头,大哭。还好只要继续让他走,他也不哭多久,只是又没好好吃饭。 饭后稍微看了下,还了推车就打的回旅馆了。


Nathan's favorite songs

Last night, mommy asked Nathan "what's your favorite song No. 1? "
The answer is undoubtly the "ABC song".

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U and V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?

Favorite No. 2 is: "One Two Three Four Five"
(the song name should be "Once I caught a fish alive")

One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine ,ten, Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right.

Favorite No. 3 is: "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed"
Lyrics & Actions:
Five little monkeys (Hold up five fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)
and bumped his head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)

Four little monkeys (Hold up four fingers.) jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys (Hold up three fingers.) jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys (Hold up two fingers.) jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey (Hold up one finger.) jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Favorite No. 4 is: "the Alphabet Song"

"A," you're adorable, "B," you're so beautiful,
"C," you're a cutie full of charms.
"D," you're a darling and "E," you're exciting
And "F," you're a feather in my arms.
"G," you look good to me, "H," you're so heavenly,
"I," you're the one I idolize.
"J," we're like Jack and Jill, "K," you're so kissable,
"L," is the lovelight in your eyes.

"M," "N," "O," "P," I could go on all day.
"Q," "R," "S," "T," alphabetically speaking, you're OK.
"U," made my life complete,
"V," means you're very sweet,
"W" "X" "Y" "Zee."
It's fun to wander through the alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me.

Haha, his favorites are Letters and Numbers, period.

Favorite No. 5 is: "Old MacDonald had a farm"

In the version commonly sung today, the lyrics allow for a substitutable animal and its respective sound.

Old MacDonald had a farm, EE-I-EE-I-O,
And on that farm he had a [animal name], EE-I-EE-I-O,
With a [animal noise twice] here and a [animal noise twice] there
Here a [animal noise], there a [animal noise], everywhere a [animal noise twice]
Old MacDonald had a farm, EE-I-EE-I-O.

How old is Nathan?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Daniel?

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers